November 2019 // Downtown Toronto

Photo Gallery
November 23, 2019

After a long hiatus, I'm back with new photos

It's been months since I've done any sort of photography. Things got hectic when I started a new job and still had some freelance work on the side. But the dust has settled and I've finally had some time to go out to take some photos and I'm here to share that latest photo walk.

Although I wasn't going out and taking photos like I would regularly do, I always kept mental notes of locations in the city to revisit. One of those places was the intersection at Yonge and College.

I had been by the intersection many times when I lived near the area. But that was before that giant skyscraper popped up behind the Starbucks on the corner. The contrast between the newly designed condo and historic building on the corner really struck me and I needed to capture that.

Well a couple weeks back I had an appointment by Dundas and Spadina, so I figured that'd be a great time to go for a walk with my camera.

So with the shot at Yonge and College in mind, I set off, camera in hand...

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